What We Advocate
We believe the following simple steps can be followed to ensure a more prosperous and democratic world:
Step 1 - Any independent state or principality currently not within the scope of the United States of America can request/petition for statehood. They only need ask.
Step 2 - The United States Congress can vote to grant statehood by a simple majority vote in both houses.
Step 3 - A US President must then sign the order granting statehood.
Note the above process is current US law. The precedent was set during the annexation (and granting of eventual statehood) to Texas in the 19th century. That event provides the template and historical/lawful precedent provided by our forefathers to follow.
We also believe the following should be under simultaneous consideration (i.e. amendments to the current US Constitution and/or Bill of Rights by democratic means). We urge non-violent and democratic action to achieve our goals:
I. Amendment to the US Bill of Rights and US Constitution protecting individual rights from corporations.
II. Amendment to the US Constitution abolishing the electoral college system as it relates to the election of the US President in favor of the popular vote.
Corporations have made the nation-state redundant. The playing field has changed. Rules governing the corporation must change. They must be ruled by the same democratic ideals we require our governments adhere to now. We allow conflict where we can bridge the divide. We must act globally to reign in corporate interests or we will allow a playing field where the game itself is stacked against the interest of humanity and our democratic ideals.
Our forefathers provided the template for continual, progressive movement. This site simply alleges that the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights provide the best examples for world governance. By using these gifts to the American people we can offer a template for Global interaction that will inhibit the prejudice and ignorance we are currently experiencing. We believe all people of the world will benefit.